Let Real Experts Interview Your Candidates
Improve your hiring results with Dialworks: use expert conducted mock calls to see beyond resumes. Reduce unnecessary interviews, save time and resources, and focus on top candidates

SaaS Labs products are trusted by 6,000+ businesses

Recruit Candidates Without Bias

No more ‘hirer’s regret’. Get a taste of on job performance with simulated calls and feedback from multiple call scenarios. Automate the hiring process and make more informed decisions about whom to hire. Make hiring quick, efficient without the guesswork.

Features to empower customer facing teams

From hiring to training, leverage Dialwork’s Human + AI capabilities to build teams, optimize learning, and enable growth


Mock Calls

Simulated Training

AI assessment

Performance reports

Call recordings

Don’t Hire Without Data

Quality-check candidates on autopilot by seeing their real world performance. Get candidates to take mock calls that replicate your real-life business scenarios. Get AI-powered feedback to help speed up the screening process.

Hiring at scale simplified

Reduce onboarding time

Speed it up onboarding from 3 months to as early as one week.

Automate QA

Put screening on auto with AI and hire only the best candidates.

Eliminate bias

Rely on objective feedback from AI and customer interactions.

SWOT analysis

Detailed reports on candidates’ strengths and weaknesses.

Save time (& money)

Get agents ready for the job faster with real-world skills training.


Build adaptable modules that are unique to your hiring needs.

Integration with ATS Platforms

Integrate with multiple Applicant Tracking Systems. Seamless integration with ATS will ensure streamlined and efficient workflow management for hiring teams.

Hear what users have to say

Our company at the moment is hiring sales reps at a crazy pace. With Dialworks, we have significantly reduced our onboarding time!

Mark S, Sales Head, Insurance Company

Frequently Asked Questions

Dialworks is built to make hiring sales and support reps at scale easy. Put candidates on mock calls that simulate real-life scenarios; get them to talk to prospects who are similar to your customer personas. Assess their performance with AI-based feedback, call scoring, and comprehensive reports. tackles customer facing problems by compressing years worth of experience into days of rigorous call simulations. Once you set up a campaign on Dialworks, the support agent will experience all kinds of customer scenarios to prepare them for the real deal. Every call will be monitored, scored by AI and scored by the customer. This helps the service agent to rapidly iterate their responses and learn what’s working

There are many benefits of Dialworks in hiring. It reduces the hiring/onboarding time. It saves time-investment for the HRs and managers who would otherwise spend hours in quality assessment of candidates' mock calls. It provides objective feedback on each candidate. Collectively, Dialworks saves you money in the hiring process and also helps in building sales/support teams faster.

Yes! Get started with Dialworks for free. Sign up now (no credit card required).

A large part of it, yes! From setting up mock calls to assessing call performance, you can create an automated system where candidate assessment is streamlined.

The core features of Dialworks include Mock Calls, Analytics, Simulated Training, AI Assessment, Performance Reports, and Call Recordings. Each of these features has various use cases in sales and customer support.

Hire Fast (And Right)

Hire candidates that are sure bets using real world performance data to drive hiring decisions.