SaaS Labs products are trusted by 6,000+ businesses
The smarter, faster way to coach your agents
Set up campaigns with a lookalike audience and measure the effectiveness of various parts of your pitch. Get insights and feedback into the call from the audience, as well as AI.
Features of Dialworks
Dialworks is a powerful coaching solution for sales and support teams that helps coaches go from theory to tactical advice.
Mock Calls
Simulated Training
AI assessment
Performance reports
Call recordings
A Tactical Assistant in Growth
A coaching assistant for managers in sales and customer service. It helps them see what's most important for their team's readiness, including what's assigned to them, how they're progressing, and what areas need improvements.
Be the Coach Your Reps Need
Faster readiness
Get your sales and support reps ready to handle live calls faster with personalized coaching.
Time-saving in QA
AI-powered feedback and assessment of reps’ mock calls save hundreds of hours of QA.
Enhanced communication
Defining coaching goals and objectives ensure managers and reps are on the same grounds.
Progress tracking
Set up your coaching schedule and roadmaps. Track your team’s progress centrally (and effortlessly).
Custom modules
Map out your unique coaching methodologies in the system to improve reps’ readiness.
At-scale growth
Leverage custom simulations and AI capabilities to coach team at scale. Accelerate revenue growth.