SaaS Labs products are trusted by 6,000+ businesses
Capture (and score) every conversation
Uncover the areas of improvement. Every mock call is auto-recorded during training. Managers can use the recordings (and performance reports) to analyze key moments during simulated conversations and extend actionable feedback to reps.
Accessible, actionable call recordings
Prompt feedback
Capture and assess micro-moments in conversations and coach them based on observations.
Build playbook
Fine-tune calling techniques by building a playbook to handle each objection.
Craft better call scripts
Battle-test your call scripts to see how well they perform and evaluate their effectiveness.
Peer mentoring
Listen to the training calls of top-performing peers, understand what works and what doesn’t.
Agents can review their own calls for insights no more waiting weeks for feedback.
Build training programs
Use call recordings of top-performing reps to consolidate a conversation playbook.
Coaching on autopilot
With call recording, Dialworks creates an infra where coaching takes care of itself. Sales and support reps can assess their own performance through call recordings, call transcriptions, and analytics.
More power features
Build your dream sales and support team with our powerful training tools.